Monday 4 May 2015

Fencing Conundrums and a Happy Chappy!

So today is the start of my new blog.

I have been meaning to do this for a while now, but only just getting round to it! (Although we shall have to see about the probable failing to keep it up, I could never keep a diary as a kid, just kept forgetting.)

The reason for starting this is that I want to capture the memories I have with my Loan horse, Mitch. I want to be able to sit down one day, in many years to come, and remember the lovely memories I had with him. When memories get older, they seem to mix up a little in my head, and I can't always unscramble them, therefore words on a page help the unscrambling process.

Day 1 of Diary:

So, I wanted to put Mitch into his new field today. We tried his new field the other day last week and well....three days on scoffing grass sent him completely doolally, and frankly I was finding it scary and dangerous him not listening to me, riding as well as on the ground. It took a while to get him to calm down again after all the sugar, especially when he got into the big section of the new field...well let's say I wasn't acting like the respectable lady that film's make out. There were lots of swear words that fell out of my mouth at a rather loud range. He very much knew how much in the shit he was when I finally caught him, and kept attempting to nuzzle me in the stable to say sorry and to try to get me to stop being annoyed at him. It took me a couple of days for that to happen, and boy he knew it still! He did appear very hurt when I didn't give him any kisses or treats that night, as he has had both every night since i got him in October!!
Anyway, I had to put him into his old field for starters, and then take the handle off of the fence and put onto the new field. Well it was a long walk to the other side of the field, and back again...twice. Eventually I got all the electrics back on and working, and the handle all on. Then went to catch the beast, and take him into his new field. He didn't want to be caught at first, but did submit and let me take him through, and did become very happy once we got through the gate!! I think perhaps practicing leading and 'over' to communicate better when leading shall help. He did behave very well though considering he could very easily have taken off in that field because it was so open and lush. He got quite a few treats afterwards for being good :)

Today I proceeded to do his every few month stable overhaul. It consists of taking the rubber mats out, disinfecting them (although I have run out, so it's shampoo at the moment) with a dust pan brush filled up a wheelbarrow of water and starting scrubbing! After that it's a wash down and leave to dry in the empty stable. Then the next step is to do the same but of the floor of the stable, then sweeping out all of the soapy water and rinse off again inside. It's a bit of a task, but it smells so much nicer when it's done!! It's due to the mats letting the wee and wet get underneath it all, so then it just sits there, therefore it's a smelly stable!! It's just like any teenage boy's bedroom, smelly and not so clean. I was that mother who had to go in, because I couldn't resist it any longer in that state!!

After that, I went back out whilst the stable dried to the field to take some lovely pictures of Mitch and the ponies. They are all photogenic, Mitch especially and likes posing for it all and everything!! Checked all the fencing with my electric tape dibber (remotey thing?) And it measures the current going through the fence to make sure there weren't any breakages for them all to plough through! It has been known to happen, even whilst watching him!
All was fine, and I went home eventually, from getting up there at 9.15am till getting home at 1pm. Now it doesn't seem like a long day for most, but for a chonically ill gal, it very much is!

Just got back home from put his bedroom back to pieces, bringing mitchy inside and giving him a groom to get rid of his bloody coat shedding. It's getting there. Slowly. He had a little spook when bringing him in, but it only the third time I have brought him back in through the new field, so he is still getting used to it all. He seemed a little dozy once we were in the stable, so hopefully he is tired from gorging himself the piggie that he is. I haven't ridden him for a little while now, but the weather has just been so, april showersy that it's not been very fun. He doesn't seem to mind too much that he isn't going out loads. He's still just as fit and keeping the weight off very nicely, so it can't be too bad!

That's it for today. It wasn't very energetic in amusements, but it was quite nice having some snuggly time with Mr. Mitchell. :) x

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